I'll keep this short. One of my all time favorite forge maps is Blackout8SIX's Cyanic in Forge World. My friends and I love it so much we wanted...
Good enough to warrant a download. I won't be able to play it any time soon, but when I do I'll post my thoughts on it.
Since nobody's done it yet... Snake? Snake?!? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!! This seems like a great idea, though -- and I don't usually go...
If I might, there will never be a Halo 3 again. I totally get why people would want that gameplay back, but Halo is just moving in a new...
Yep, he's only missing out on 800 views. That's tiny in the grand scheme of things.
@PacMonster1 -- I think you misunderstood. I wasn't implying that this has to change ForgeHub's stance or anything of that nature. I just think...
Modding is unofficially accepted by 343 (seriously) | Se7enSins Gaming Community Discuss.
I hate that so much. What was the point of the fuzzy cam? Now it can't showcase a cool map.
Superb. I won't be needing any other Guardian remakes after this. There are plenty of aesthetics and color to go along with the great sight lines.
Having played it now I'll agree with everyone else that this is a great remake. That being said there's some semi-unavoidable z-fighting with...
This is 343 playlist worthy. It's always amazing when a forge map doesn't look like a forge map.
Any classic map (including non-Halo) works, but I only listed Halo maps in the first post for inspiration. Yep, think of Hemmorage on Forge...
If you're looking for a place that will allow this modded content, post at se7sins.com's Halo 4 forum. Policies here don't allow modded content,...
Definitely is an overlimit map (especially considering the author listed at Waypoint), so that might be a red flag. But dang, I'm glad I saw it...
@JKAddict - yeah, I have the basic layout of Canyon Oasis done. It had to be retooled to fit Halo 4's gameplay, especially since there's no such...
I'd agree with others that the trees seem out of place. This looks great, though.
Yeah, I know some maps are fine, but when you're playing splitscreen with friends you don't want to have to say "We can't play that map. It has...
Given that Halo 4 runs awful in splitscreen no matter what my friends and I stick to Reach when we want good splitscreen gaming.
I love the principle here. It's a great use of the grids.
It's meant to be the tomb of Christ. He was resurrected, and that's what Easter celebrates.