i played even when i was less than 12 and everyone loved me because i didnt anoyed them......i dont understand why some kids are so freaking brute...
mine are the assasination, the headshot and Bulltrue medals
i do beleive in Aliens, the have even been reports made by soldiers and guards that wroked on secret facilities sayung that they have seen very...
i love Halo First Strike, very interesting
i think the face from the day security guard (have to check the bungie videos from the legendary edition)
i think mine is umh........ The Hobbit maybe
no but i think you can see his face or something that resembles a face i his visor in the Halo 2 cinematics, especially in the ending of Cairo Station
Should the Master Chief be given a face? Yes or No I ask this because if they wanted the player to feel they were the person inthe armor, why did...
Post the medals you have gotten so far here. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/CareerStats.aspx?player=Villu
i could have more but i havent played for 1 year (not all images are included) Count (count per game). [IMG] Melee Somebody smashed somebody!...
welcome back i guess
ok thanks, i dont recall saying my name was something different or anything, but anyway thanks. the maps will be available like in november 15...
mine is Villu, because my firend at scool call me like that because of my last name (pronounced Viyu like in Spanish)
i think he is talking about the covenant
hey could i join your RedvsBlue group plz, i love redvsblue
Hi everyone! My gamertag is Villu (pronounced Viyu) for the ones who play live. I've heard a lot about the good reputation of this site so i...