Watch this video. Amazing. The guy that won the race (Brad Keselowski), that was his first lap ever led.
I started this map, and I hate it. So I'm giving it to anyone that wants it. You can finish it, delete parts of it, add on to it... whatever you...
Here's some scenery shots. This is my first time attempting some decent scenery shots. These were all taken on Valhalla. Serenity [IMG] The...
Eh not that great and I KNOW IT'S EASY TO DO. [IMG]
This is awesome. Had to share it. Brickshelf Gallery
When I joined this site back in December, I loved it. Most people were very helpful and provided very good feedback for your map/screenshot etc....
[IMG] (Featured on Cryptic Forgery) >>Download<< After a lot of editing and numerous testing sessions, I present to you, Traumatized v3....
>>Afterlife<< >>Download<< Afterlife is my newest racetrack made in the depths of the Crypt. It features three banked turns and three track...
My friend xPurePh33rx got into a game of Grifball with a Bungie employee and I thought I would post this picture for him. [IMG]
So a long time ago, some of you may remember, I posted a thread saying I had started working on a map under Blackout that was going to utilize...
Flash Movies - So random yet so funny.
I am debating which one of these to put on my fileshare. Could you please help? Here they are... Monitor [IMG] Clutch Sniper [IMG]...
Well today I started working on a map that will be based of the famous day in history, D-Day. The map will be in the skybubble of Sandbox. Now...
I don't know. I was messing around trying to get an effect and I found this. Isn't it pretty??? [IMG] Yes this is from Halo. Comment!
[IMG] >>Download<< Traumatized v2 is my newest competitive map. It uses a little over half of Foundry and is symmetrical in concept but not...
Heroes Discussion Thread (May Contain Spoilers) [IMG] This is the official Heroes discussion thread. If you've never seen the show, it airs...
Does anybody know where a tutorial is to geomerge walls and boxes into Foundry's floor to make ramps and how to get them at the desired height? I...
[IMG] [IMG] Tell me what you think.
OK, so I've been told that one of my recent maps has a lot of spawning issues. I have found that too. The problem is, I really don't know how to...
[IMG] >>Download<< When I first got Sandbox, I looked at the item palette and I really wanted to make a racetrack. I started on one in the...