thanks thanks for checking it out jeff
i think this map looks like a lot of fun...even though its not a true remake 100% sometimes its sweet take and idea and tweak it a little. You did...
looks good looks pretty sweet. i check it out. my friends love mlg gametypes.(its like they think there better than me or something...(rolls eyes)
Pictures would be cool to have some pictures to see what it looks like, otherwise your threads gonna be locked and no one will dl....which will...
Thanks thanks for checking it out. Its not a remake exactly but more my take on some of the map. let me know what you think.
thumbnail yeah i know what you mean by downloading and commenting. By chance would you know how to make the thumbnail image show up. I think i...
This structure was once a busy terminal in the heart of downtown utgard, Harvest. Since the war with the covenant has come the structure has been...
shoot man i was working on one of these too. lol looks pretty good though, but mine is in the sky bubble. oh well guess you beat me too it
thanks for the advice blackout ill think about that
thanks doom
i would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who checked this out!
actually dude, my map has been on this site for three days now...since monday with well that name but i could understand you...
thanks, the tunnels are fun and sometimes end up being a round and round the mulberry bush type thing
oh i see
thanks for the comment mauserman...dont know about being featured but that would be sweet. anyways thanks for the look
hey thanks guys, well im not gonna say that youll never get out but so far it has held up in all of my matches so let me know if you find a...
thanks guys, yeah it plays really well for 2v2
thanks dude for checkin it out
ok ill check it out but actually i have played several games on it and no one has escaped yet...but if you have advice to fix let me know. i used...
thanks dude..appreciate you taking the time to check it out!