psh, woulda seen it again but it left theaters haha joker ftw r.i.p. heath
hha nice guide thank you now i know better =P
haha yea i also see you liked the dark knight? **** yea dude i went to see it 4 times
hey so you know goatnuts? haha hes fun to forge switches and **** with, and hes pretty cool too
wow dude looks like a great mlg map i especially like the little box thingys and the underthe catwalk tunnels, but my favorite part is the map...
^ i know right? lol i played this dude, its pretty sweet and alot better than the last one haha i like the flag games the best, its suspenful lol...
hey homie
Wow dude very nice and glad to have been, and well yea still be your friend, and lol abou the wasnt annoying, i get that alot haha...
nice modifications haha love metro 2
dude shut up ****** he doesnt ****in know how yet get off his back,
quite it guys, this is goin off topic and its his first pic if you didnt notice, this is a good map and looks like alot of fun, sounds like it...
i like american10 and sir toppum too, i like theyre maps, along with Paulie and my #1 would have to be | Zero Fox |, hes my switch buddy and a...
Yea sure dood what is it?
your TOTALY wrong. the way it works is it isnt operational until 10 secs into the round, then the coil isnt pushed yet because the game doesnt...
Yes it does, read that from b4 ^
HAHA! thanks dood
hah! really? thanks dude it means alot to me =]
yea, and also one more the thing i couldnt find anything else to min/max other than a road block so it takes a wil for it to spawn lol but its a...
Hello, all time for me to post another switch cuz i havent in awhile, but here it is! its a new type of lever that has wiring and a new type of...