Okay, looks great but one question..... Is it the whole of forge world??
Looks brilliant, definite download right there, tell me when it's released please :D My only criticism is the song gets a bit annoying haha but...
Okay do does the whole barrier turn completely grey or just the light??
Oh haha sorry bout tha, I didn't see that tag a and sorry it hasn't been updated Yinternet on my computer went down, so I'm on my iPod ATM in...
Thanks for everyone's comments, I'll put this in the thread when I update it later but basically, I'm aware of the choke points and I'm trying to...
Look like a good enjoyable map, I love the cart and track, realy nice touch, I must ask though....... What were these pictures taken on?? :P haha...
Helloooo everyone, its been quite a while since ive been on here, the reason for this is because i took the advice of some very wise forgers on...
Looks like a good map but not many people like effects like this, I do I love em, but also you need a description of the map and game type (it...
Okay, I'm going to start with the bad points and then go to good cos yeah :P 1) upload some pics and a good description of your map, it helps a...
Ahhh okay nw, another project for me ;P
yeah, i like BTB but on MM they dont have enough varients like on halo 3, i mean Rockets, Shotty snipers, Team Lasers etc they were all just...
wow that looks great, when will you be uploading more pics of the oher maps?? and will you be remaking Valhalla, Avalanche and sandtrap??
It's an interesting map, I like that raised bit, I'm not realy sure what you call it but it stands out, cant wait to see the finished map :)
Yeah basically if you've already submitted a map on here, you cannot submit it again
Okay I'll update it later today do you can submit maps that already haven't been submitted on forge hub and also I will extend the time by another...
wow, may is such a great month ;P
oh i getcha, dw people that play Reach, Battlefield 3 or MW3 and soon Forza 4 always get invites ;P
yeah sorry but i cant realy make any exceptions :/ sorry its just so its a fair contest etc, we will be doing tests on the maps as well so test...
its plenty of time, most of my maps i make it about 6 hours :P but if everyone wants me to then i will but it will have to be everyone
awsome, cant wait to see what you come up with :) oh and by the way everyone, each one as time goes on will get harder so itll be like make a...