[IMG] HI ALL!!!! okay ive been hard at work with this map pack, and i have decided to scrap one of the maps which was in my last post...
new and BRILLIANT new for me :P thanks for putting this up, i couldnt see any reason either hy they wouldnt bring it back, its so usefull and...
hi all, i love playing custom games but no one seems to play them any more :( so if you guys want someone to play with custom games with or you...
just put a safe zone at the spawn and then see, that might be why
this looks like a brilliant map, its a bit like mine with the construction theme, mines called 'Dirt-Mound' but its not for infection but youve...
i like the layout and like someone said i bet it plays well but theres lots of overlapping pieces and very samy pieces, id try and use something...
ive made a map just like this called 'survival' but this looks very nice, im guessing its similar to play like mine where once you get like 5-7...
it sounds interesting, can you upload some pics please :D private message me if you dont know how :)
i like and see the idea and way your going for but the buildings dont realy look like buildings tbh, id say if you can crack that then your onto a...
its basicaly like what the first guy said, its a 15 minute episode every week and then at the end it basicaly builds up a film sorta thing. and i...
i like waterfalls idea, if you can, can you post a link to me for it :P thanks, as for this map, it looks nice but i think in the middle you...
looks interesting and balanced but and i know this is isnt entirely ur problem but it looks very grey and bland :/ but thats just me i like...
The docks map looks REALY interesting, just a little tip though instead of naming them individually in the title thread, you might as well turn it...
Wow this was a blast from the past, I still need to have a game on this, bullet I reckon me, you and waterfall should organise a game date one day...
This looks realy interesting, I like the layout and the demon face, I'm definatly giving this a download
Thanks :P
oh is there...... why are all the names i come up with taken :P oh well: -UPDATE- A-RIDGED: now up to testing stage with the other 2, all...
Thanks, 1st one I'm not releasing much until its on beta/ alpha stage 2nd thanks, there actually bunkers, so you can go inside them 3rd is...
[IMG] HELLOOOO everyone..... im here again to re-post my latest map pack, but this time, with more info and 1 new map..... so without further...
WOW looks sooooo good, shame you can only see the features in forge :/ silly reach design ;P but looks brilliant, i LOVE the noble sign on the tv,...