this is my new-ish map that im hoping to release soon ive done beta tests, alpha tests and many people have said its there faviourite map, its...
yeah thats what i mean its got a layer of soft kill, you prob can get over it but as soon as people see the soft kill theyll usualy turn back...
WOW!!!!!! this looks FANTASTIC!!! i cant wait for this to come out please PM me when its released, whats this for slayer, infection etc?? but...
Haha I'll answer all your questions the evening with pictures :P don't worry the people I've done testing with say it's evenly balanced so yeah as...
oh no dont worry, ive done some beta testing with about 8 people playing and there are numerous places to hide and in some ways its very easy to...
yeah i agree with SPL4TTERMAN with the rocks and stuff, ive realised that now that if you use sea stacks upside down so the thin part is facing up...
haha i dont realy see how and dont worry ill be posting more pics eventualy more in depth its just a little preview atm
and another plane crash map :P i shouldve waited to post my map now isntead of ages ago :D oh well looks good, plane looks just the right size and...
why is everyone doing plane crashes all of a sudden after i did one :P anyway, looks good keep it up
hi all, just thought id show a preview of one of the maps in my 7th and last map pack which is called.... you guessed it.. Dist-Ribution!! im...
I know people on here are being super critical which I don't think is right but I do agree that the look isn't the best cos it's very grey BUT...
Why are people being so hard on him, he's trying isn't he, I've made a remake of Valhalla and its not nearly as good as this map!! I think ur...
rats nest, ive never seen a good re-make and it was a BRILLIANT map, i was going to go for last-stand but i dunno, id like to see them both tbh :P
okay, fair enough, but please dont jude them finaly until youve played em is all i ask :P haha but fair enough i personaly like Array-Station....
No no no haha the one I that I took inspiration from was for 4 players, this map that I made is for 8-16 but still yet to test them all
oh you not doing my map?? :(
im confused how it works, could you explain it to me please, looks very very interesting
What do you mean by familiar, this has been posted on another site and I took inspiration from another map posted the other day which is a dock...
okay awsome, if you guys think the other 2 are too open they arent realy, dw if taken it into acount and when there tested things could change :)
awsome, thanks and Dock-Line and Array-Station is but Over-Growth is for max id say 10 people at a push