yes, I mean Bungies, I have a couple ideas to change it so it looks more original, so I'll try to get pictures of that up, but I dont know when
invite me for testing GT seredhras
looks to me like you could clean up the aesthetics, the middle 5x1s are sloppy and tg 2x2 looks out of place
In the one map I'm making, I directly copid the lift tower from blackout do I need to change this? Or is it possible to add small aesthetic...
that us a really interesting theory on thrme seconf ring for spawn zones, I'll have to think on that however, on my one map, players nearly always...
in my map, I literallu took the lift straight out of blackout, and I am going yo make a sniper tower similar to blackouts as well, then, I havr a...
post a picture of the area, before and after please so I can see what I'm talking about you could try using the door double, door, or the window...
should work, it isvirtuall impossibke too gice the zombies an unfair advantag, based on how disadvantaged they normally are
this map could do with a sniper, and maybe a grenade launcher also, I hate the needler, so I would replace them with needle rifles and replace the...
awesome, that grassy part looks like a good sniping point but if it is too wide you can just back up and survive when someone is shooting you
looks good can you get up on that grassy part?
wow, nice job formatting and compiling this
not invasion, I don't see it unless invasion slayer (which I see) if u want, fr seredhras and if I'm on I might join im not that great tho, but...
pyro, are you talking about depressing the middle of a map and putting raised areas on catwalks and etc as opposed to addin buildings and crates...
thanks for the advice, and yes pinnacle and the cage have messed spawnings, but I legitimately enjoy them balance isn't too much of an issue for...
by incomplete walls, I mean partial walls, just short little walls so you don't accidently drive off or walk off (in high traffic areas) If you...
I heard somewhere that asymmetric maps held their playability longer and generally are more fun. I have been thinking on my favorite maps (for...
does it have to even have complete walls, the no cieling would look better
do you make mostly symmetric or asymmetric maps?
team colours don't show up in FFA question: if there are only red and blue teams, will an orange team piece still be colourez?