Ok then, so I'm in the market for a brand spanking new HDTV to be used primarily for gaming. I'd appreciate some recommendations from anyone in...
Anyone here play it? I have it and want to play with some other people. Join the group here Some pictures: [spoiler]
This story is just amazing seriously worth the read, would make a good movie. OMG LINKY
hai thar I joined bac in Dec of liek 07 and I come back for maps n stuff and mai color is purple does that meen I r specual?
Insane54's TGIF party. Hey guys First of I would like to thank the members of Insnane's party for following the rules being mature and cool...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3iOROuTuMA&feature=user This is one of the freakiest cartoons I have ever seen for more episodes go here
Well I figure since this will inevitably be started I will post it, I personally say no because I feel it is like murder, I mean what right do we...
I just thought this was too interesting not to post. I've found an abandoned game variant called Headhunter. Here are the in-game messages:...
I am proposing a petition to change Ivory Snakes name to Ivory Snack Why? you ask, well let me tell you the epic tale of Ivory Snack. Dragon Coals...
Well lets begin [IMG] First screenshot I ever took. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Well, thanks for viewing My fileshare.
I thought it was a joke but as I read on I realized it was true proof this is a sad day for the the Bungie community. [IMG]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au30c9ZMIPg The pogues perform the irish rover with the dubliners absolute legends. Edit:The beards are EPIC win.
[color=limegreen][b]I lol'ed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e28JcDh1xdA&feature=related
[color=limegreen][b]I love this guy he is my hero lol watch the videos!
[color=limegreen][b]Lol I figured id pt this up here for Paddys day.(You might not get some of his jokes.)...
The March playlist update to Halo 3 features a number of tweaks to the matchmaking experience (more on those later) and the introduction of...
SPnVAR2oHw0 [color=limegreen][b]This freaked me out and I have no Idea why.
8wHMaJ6AtNs&feature Child bankrupts make-a-wish foundation. I2OObOM3R_U I love the Onion.
NCVQd-OZVWI I found this quite funny.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPSd10A89tM Ok so you may want to read this first before you watch this.So this is my French teacher Mr.Lynch he is...