Also, you do know that Ascension is a map in halo 2? Your name is misleading, many people are going to think that you are doing a remake when...
Very nice, deffinitely perfect interlocking/merging and great aesthetics.. I sort of feel the same as Pegasi, like his entire thing he said was...
It looks easy to grenade bounce over the walls on top of the tube area, so you could just camp right there (for whatever reason), your forging...
Yea, pretty dang good job. the only thing is taht i only see interlocking in the middle structure (which is damn cool :P) and the outside may lead...
I had a feeling i had seem this before.. ya good job though, if you had never seen this before that's a great discovery by you(:
Great map, i like the middle, it's pretty original. Everything seems pretty balanced, and the video is nice, too. :P 5/5
Hey, i looked at all the posts on your accident post (Fort), and i gotta say sorry.. All those kids were being assholes, i can tell it wasn't...
Beautiful, well done. At first i thought it was a mix of Relic and BloodGulch, like said before. But then i looked at your side structures and...
Daaamn thats some serious bk annilation (sp?) 46, beat my record.. and yea, itll take some time for it to register, i have done some testing with...
Sorry, had too lol ANd i have a steady br, so i tend to just shoot my ass off, it usually ends up taking me 5 shots instead of 4... but i still...
This is great, the interlocking is pretty good. I dont see any errors, but from the picture, the center piece looks alittle off place. Fix taht...
Woah, gret job bro. Like said before, the aesthetics are fantastic, but i think the gameplay is alittle questioning.. Maybe if you kept it to like...
Now that's soom pretty epic cube floating :) Lets see, the aesthetics imo are still great, along with the gameplay. You seemed to accomplish both...
Okay, Welcome to FOrgehub.. You already have some posts.. so i think that you should kind of know what you have to do in order to post a map.....
I think this looks like alot of fun! Especially that it's your first racetrack. Good job, the backflip looks sweeet and everything else seems...
sounds good man, if you want any pointers, talk to me on xbl.. my gamertag is iHavoK iZ Siick but taht one is silver right now, so i am...
Im sorry, but for me, when i open your spoilers, the pictures are HUGE. Anyway, i was hoping that this would be more of like an infection type...
I dunno, its just too small, that would kind of make the game go by really fast. Im sticking to the non-hornet thing, sorry bro.
You said that your maps have cover, but i don't know, it still seems very open and barren.. I guess even if you have cover, its just way to open...
The gameplay is absolutely amazing, the forging is fantastic, and the layout is unbelievable... This definitely stands out far from any other map...