Very good, ive been trying to do this myself for awhile but haven't gotten to it. I'm interested in the respawn waves you mentioned. Never...
i enjoyed your demeening post on
You're my hero.
Very good, well deserved feature.. the rockets work really well in with this! Grats Zombievillan on the feature
The forging is done neatly, but from the pictures some areas look alittle flat. Like the back corners mainly. It seems as if there are 3 main...
UGH.. i used to dummy the items with mancannons.. kinda long, but it works too
Very good ell3ment and Gunnergrunt.. this is by far the best Asset map i have seen in forging and gameplay for sure. The use of the shield door...
Very nice, the layout is great. I like all the levels, it adds to the fast paced gameplay. Your weapon layout is very balanced, and i like the...
Very nice, haven't seen a foundry map like this since before Sandbox. Ahh i miss foundry.. Anyway, VERY GOOD. Forging is flawless, weapons seem...
That really cool! I really like the warthog drop switch and the missile pods coming out the front, haha that picture looks like their coming out...
Can i say, maps do not have to have interlocking and geomerging in them.. It can add to it aesthetically, but it won't effect gameplay (unless...
Ugh my brain would hurt, im not any good at puzzles.. Seems really good though from the posts
Thanks, i try.. You know? :)
I looked at this and its not one of my favorites from the competition. It feels alittle too cramped in the middle and i found myself mostly...
I've never seen an MLG map with the center being the high points, and the bases being low points.. I personally dont think that this will work...
You do need an embedded picture along with the video for this post to be up to standards. But from the video, the gameplay looks really fun, not...
Haha this is shorter ^^ (and i have seen that name posted already, not saying either of you took it) Umm the interlocking is good, not...
Looks like alot of fun. You definitely have some unique bases which make it that much better. I'm not sure if in the second to last picture, the...
CARNAGE ITS SQUIDLEY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! but anyway.. ive always like this. probably my favorite way of getting recon.. haha cooler than...
lol Oui je ne parle français, donc ne parle pas de la merde et laissez-le à cette