uncreative zombie games? lol thanks Timeless, I make zombie maps. When is this map going to be featured? Honestly it is so worth it, and...
This map has been stolen, this is Township made by Something. I am reporting you for this, stealing maps is not tolerated here at forgehub.
I really want to get COD WaW, but it seems like Gow2 is freaking awesome and everyone has it. I just got far cry 2 awhile back, and I am afraid...
So what is your Christmas List this year? My List: Pimp watch from tokyoflash Gears Of War 2 Left 4 Dead Ipod touch COD: WAW $$$ Porn. So...
lol I know your kind of new JoshRicks, but what you just did was necropost and that could get you an infraction. Notice when this was posted [...
Don't step on a crack, or you will break your mothers back!
lol this has been established smart one, look at the first page.
also a double post so thats three infractions ;]
great new idea for a mini-game wanna help?
hmm I am a baby chicken interesting...any who what's up?
wow sounds very cool, can't wait till the pictures and when I try myself. Also their is no container on the pit I thought? So how did you...
hmm pretty cool, I really cannot wait to see how you do it. It must have been really hard to geomerge on pre DLC though, can't wait for the tutorial!
haha I was thinking of suggesting you a pair of glasses :p
lol are you joking?? their was a carbine, two BRs right infront, a smg, and a mauler.
Thanks that was really helpful, I am trying to remake this Jurassic Park map. I got rid of all the weapons, overpowering turrets, and alot of...
The map looks just ok, nothing really special about it that catches my eye. Looks a bit sloppy, but I understand it is suppose to look like that....
I didn't know you could geo-merge on Pre DlC, How come you never told me ;] hmm..guessing you found out recently.
I played this map called ice cream man and it was really fun.
wow this map is extremely impressive, I really haven't seen a good infection map on cold storage.