Not My Style? Ahaha lol I bet they got rid of the bad option, because to much of the people who made those featured maps were getting mad. Anyways...
Iron man Dark Night Eagle Eye pineapple express Tropic Thunder Hancock Harold and Kumar go to Guantanamo Bay
wow the download was so quick and easy, this game reminds me of halo 2 a little bit. It is really a good game considering it being free, the...
I like the whole overall Idea, but the map itself is a bit crappy. You should have spent more time with the whole layout, even the class selection...
look at her posture, it's obvious she is hiding something in her dress.
lol the girl as your avatar looks like a tranny.
Hell Yeah, I was going to be making a **** Zombie map myself.
Are you going to be making a **** zombie map?
I know alot of people have already made, or are in the making of a **** Zombie map from Call of Duty: Waw. So I wanted to actually see them, I am...
Cancer Map Pack? You should change the name of this map pack, I myself find it offensive and so will many others. An update will be made when your...
That is nice! My new map I am getting tested out tomorrow uses the exact same method. I used the custom power ups for each level that went on to...
I see that my jurassic Park map with the flooded basement, has inspired you to do the same. That is sooo Kawaii, any ways the map looks good, but...
[IMG] Pimp much?
I would rent Far Cry 2 first, do not buy it right away! It was a mistake that I made, I no longer care for the game. I suggest renting it before...
this should be in the customer service, and we already have this basically..go to the the announcements and click best of forge.
so I assume your not joining back?
I have come to my senses and decided your welcome back into the group, you were right I guess. I shouldn't of kicked you out, alot of people want...
so are you gonna post your mini-games? Ping Pong was awesome.
why do you care so much anyways?