[IMG] It's under "general settings"
I disabled that feature on day one
huh with the what now?
Yes? This is Dog.
swag yolo yolo swag swag?
they removed the text after the servers were taken down
honestly, I paid $60 for a game I expect to get a game when I give them my money can they really advertise a game feature if you have to pay...
sorry to hear about the SOTW issues I think FH just needs more artists in general :\
oh god, I forgot about damage and speed boost 0.o
It's A TRAP!!! play Hawken instead :P
huh? what do you mean?
well, found this: [IMG] This has been confirmed by multiple users at waypoint maybe they aren't shutting down the H2 servers permanently what...
yeah, the extraction tools are still a WIP it could be worse, if you noticed, cortana's head is missing altogether :P
welcome to Forgehub I've looked into being an architect, but I'd rather build with more high tech things :D
why u hate?
I am though.
not until the mac version is released
I DID! :omg:
I dunno, I was the one that asked Berb to unlock the PPC in other news: [media]