I got some lovely beach front property in Arizona, interested?
you can do that without opensauce
Is it now 0.o
you look a bit green, I'd talk to a doctor about that
case I my rest.
YOU! stuff
I read an article stating that opposing viewpoints stimulate the human mind this is interesting.
mutations happen by chance, why not humans?
just not heavy petting
[IMG] catching up >:D
did I make too much sense, or did I make a stupid mistake? :s
It seems to me that Xbox is shifting from hardware, to a subscription based service package think of it like a direct TV console, yes you have...
^true fax genetic mutation happens all the time, but your body repairs it at almost the same rate almost in a sense, it is the gradual decay of...
If it is indeed "always on", I'll just finish my move to PC, Halo or otherwise
copy/pastes don't count :O
I challenge someone to post more than one line of text here.
you have something to say?
it's going to take a lot more than 200 signatures to influence MS, 200,000 more like it.