yep, there is also a secret soccer ball you can use to splatter everyone
So, not many of you may know this, but the Original Halo CE is still alive, and here is proof of so, I give you Halo 3's beloved Foundry, now...
I would have graduated with honors were it not for this last semester...
I hate white bread
it says in the fine print that any MS points unused for longer than a year are voided (from the time you activated the points card)
will they expire annually like MS point?
pft, noobs :P [IMG]
hack windows games to work on macs :|
you don't have to live cheap, just live smart.
It looks good, but the planet doesn't have very much depth, can;t put my finger on as to why though :\
bring back supersonic jets while you're at it
did you have to buy the airport?
periods will do that
Halo 5 could be released as a finished product, instead of a paid beta
I like working on them
I drove a custom built Porsche 911 twin turbo once, it felt like my ass was grinding against the road That strange moment when you drive the cars...
I'm SJ, hello glad you like my work out of curiosity, which one was it?
probably going to be instructional channels, movies, and sports
So, like pay-per-view, but for the internet? make more sense to start watching TV again I suppose, at least there is only one fee to pay
I took an english test.