How many flood only respawn points do you have? More might help, or have a respawn zone anti come in on a delay. If this is like most flood maps...
It sound like you need to place weapons straight from the weapons (covenant, human, forerunner) menu, and then change the respawn setting. As for...
It sounds like you have gone over the dynamic lighting budget. Check out this thread...
Man dude this map is great. We are using it in our league games.
Hey guys, I'm working on a map that starts out SWAT, the goes into a normal slayer, and finally ends with some aerial combat. I am using the...
As said above random drops are not for competitive maps. Rather they give a chance to anyone to get not matter the date of map control. If the...
I was guilty of a rant in my post, but I also answered the question. Lets not get off topic by ranting at halo 4
Looks great. Ill download for testing soon as I get home
Agreed the halo 4 forge maps do leave a lot to be desired. Too small and the space is too contoured. Also the game type option feel very...