dude the aesthetics on this map are killer. DL and I'll be back with a response later
people just dont give up on here do they. I dont really see the problem with not having pictures?
You know what man thanks thats pretty cool of you. But i guess thats good i didnt post the OTHER 5 MAPS I was going to post, too bad one was a...
Dude holy **** no way i race motocross and this is sick i was just about to post one but then i saw this and i was like damn mine not be that good...
Warthog Freestyle Probably the first of its kind, an actual legit backflip jump, and grind rail, all in one session! Start off in the box...
Dude yes this is awesome DL for me
Example map will be posted later I still had some tweaks to make.
okay nice well i wont be able to get to my xbox till later today to get some pictures so you might as well just look at it in person. trust me its...
Ok, I had this killer idea about a month ago to build a map that consisted of: -a main base. -a smaller fire base that is accompanied by an...
hey you should do one of my ideas
ya thats what some of the other asset maps do. but i dont think ill make an asst one. i already made kind of an example slayer/whatever one its...
my idea i had with the orbital ship and mac cannon thing
hey yo i responded to you and that other guys comments on my map idea
iv actually constructed somewhat of an example forwhat im talking about.ill post it in a couple minutes. youll see what im talking about with the...
ahaha. you guys are funny,you and that burgerballs guy ahaha
yes i agree i will help test too
dude this has got to be the sickest thing i have ever seen! that is amazing when can i download? I also have a proposal for you. what do you...
I like this your pretty good. You should do a sandbox map for me. Read my response to the Imagination Database. Its on the last page on the very...
a recent post by me: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/78201-imagination-database-6.html check it out its a the bottom of the page
#39 Asset on Sandbox:monitor: I have an idea. Someone should make one of these Asset maps(with the ground base and all the brutes coming after...