have you read this guide? Bungie.net : Invasion + Forge! : 9/16/2010 9:09 AM PDT :) i know it looks like a long and complicated article, but if...
mountain.. but may i ask why do people insist on making beautiful looking maps then surround them with ugly grey walls.. why don't you replace...
I'm not sure coz my xbox is broke so i can't test it out, but i think if you were to use purple lights with the purple filter on, suddenly the...
You dont need any new DLC for Last Resort; Do it on the beach at the end of the canyon.. i doubt you'll get anywhere better to make it no matter...
It seems like you have a nice intricate design going on there, but i can't really tell because the pictures are showing up tiny for me. But it...
Well done on making the first half-decent looking map on Halo Reach. It's very pretty, but I'm not sure how gameplay will turn out from what I can...
Good luck remaking it in one night; the curvature of the bridge in Narrows will make it very hard to make to a high, visually appealing standard,...
Are you talking about the window to enclose the colliseum? If so, that does come as one piece :)
i like how you used the coliseum windows to build the floor, it looks good. but the grifball court in halo 3 was 32 by 32 squares, so yea im...
:O really? sorry i had it on mute, was listening to tunes :P i swear it use to be harder than that when i played CE.. but then again i was only...
i can tell you're a magnum type of guy.
at this point, he is also talking about how you can section off parts of the map, suggesting you can reach that point, but it had been 'sectioned...
I thought it was just pre-ordering.. I thought getting legendary gives you unique spartan armour
This is obviously played on easy, like most walkthroughs are. On Heroic/Legendary, or even on normal, one pistol shot to the weak spot would still...
Thanks for the clip, it really is a great overview even if we can't reach that area.. but i hope we can :) I took an overview screenshot from...
I have plans to remake Last Resort/Zanzibar and High Ground. Zanzibar won't be to difficult, High Ground will be a bit of a challenge due to the...
so the final frontier's not a spaceship then? :o it still could swing either way, like madonna. I still hope we can forge in the area around the...
I wonder if we can make man cannons move hill points in KoTH? :o Could make for some interesting map/gametype idea's.
if thats what you're wanting, you're going to be desperately disappointed when you first go into forge. Sorry to burst your bubble.
haha i was so tempted to say that, but i controlled myself :P. But on topic, the quote says 'the final frontier never looked so spectacular.'...