Welcomez. You is liked because you talked to me in lolbox. That could be considered a good or a bad thing, dependant on your nature and your...
Wait.. what? That 'lifting' walkway.. how does it work? Is it an upside down oneway shield door that holds you up as you move along? If so that...
Posted maps must have at least one image or video and a description. No one's gunna download your map just because you say it's the best team...
I decided that the thread was poorly laid out and wasn't very accurate (from what you have all said), so I completely rewrote it and included the...
I'm really digging this. I love U-shaped maps, and this looks like it could be one of my favourites. The aesthetics are amazing too, especially...
He was only using it as an example, not saying you should actually build a map exactly like that. After seeing what you guys have had to say,...
Thread updated and rewritten 21st October 2010. Remember, this guide is a work in progress. Thread needs updating again, but I don't have the...
Anibal by Possessed Goat
Can people seriously just stop bitching? Nothings gunna come of it, live with what you've got.
UNSC Trebuchet Yours look good too though, as long as they work all of the time?
soz, more detail needed on feathers 1/5. [btw it looks amazing] I was going to ask why you didn't put a green light in the plasma pistol then i...
Simply epic.
super bumped.. nice first post :/
Definitely my favourite remake out there, simply because you haven't left it like the original but improved and enhanced the design so that it is...
It looks amazing and incredibly accurate but.. I was thinking something similar to this. You didn't actually state how you combatted the issue...
yo dawg, get some sleep man.. and get off the sniff. And eat some food, food always gets rid of edginess for me. But mainly, just get off the...
This argument is ridiculous. No, it is not inch-perfect, but @MickRaider why would anybody spend dozens of extra hours trying to perfect a map...
please, please, replace the colliseum walls that are enclosing ur map with rocks (seastacks). It would improve the aesthetics x10 to make it...
This looks really nice and is an interesting concept, but if you're really going for the sewage look, you should have used a green filter and...
Walls don't need to be massive; if someone tries to be a dyke and jetpack out of the map, then there are these things called (soft) kill zones....