Lol pieces of corn? I just added them because they were heavy, and if buried underneath them, its almost impossible to get unstuck. Never really...
Why hasn't the TGIF 14 recap been posted yet? I am impatient for my loyal -.-
Personally, I wouldn't want to play a game where the party leader is the only one who can 'score walls'. The goal for the peasants is distorted...
Okay I sent a request. My name is darth_human. someone else took DarthHuman... =\
Sure what do I have to do?
Sure, what do I have to do?
Goosechase Stadium by Nutduster
Thought about posting Bunker yet? A lot of people were expecting it to be done soon.
Very nice post, video, and game! This is one of the few games that I actually could not wait to be finished. I really like that you decided to...
This looks amazing! The way you built everything to be connected is also something I really like about this. However I'm just judging by the...
What.... the.... ****.... HAHA! But seriously what happened? You just enabled teams? This is just nuts.
I remember this map's humble beginnings, and it's come a long way since then. Its completely original, and its definitely something no one has...
Grand Theft Mongoose - by Nutduster and This is how we roll - by Prodigious 7k I wanted to add one more map to my list: Museum of Humanity by...
I remember testing this today, it was an awesome idea. Few glitches tho, but I'm sure you've already got them fixed. I can't wait to see this...
Wow, this is sure getting a lot of attention... well anyway nice idea, I love it when people use the insane gametypes. I'm definitely looking...
I used spawn points instead. Players don't spawn up there because they are not inside the spawn 'zone'. And I'm glad you like it =)
I've played many games as blue team and that has never been an issue. But I took a look anyway. I played as blue and didnt have a problem. Maybe...
I was doing the usual, playing custom games, forging, everything I usually do on a friday evening. Then I decided to take a break. Checked email,...
One more TGIF recap and I should get it... 3 so far... I can taste it. But I'm liking the purple! Congrats!
This looks well made! I like how you made all the man cannons aim at the goals which add more spots to aim for. I'm also glad someone used the...