I always thought that they wouldn't use budget glitched maps for lag, but I read somewhere they did. Guess not. Why would they choose Chill out?...
Lucky, there are no events near me ): I definitely would not be surprised if that happens. Maybe Karma will get on a good team!
I enjoy the fast paced game of TS Amp. Unfortunately I never play with a team, so I always get stuck with horrible people and/or quitters.
I too would have to say Instinct, although Str8 is in close second. I have only seen a couple of their games, so I wouldn't actually know how they...
Although I don't know about Grifball, I'm almost certain that Onslaught is budget glitched (don't know about Amplified). I have heard though, that...
So we all know of the team changes between Orlando and Toronto. Str8: -Neighbor +Snipedown FB: -Walshy +Neighbor TD: -Snipedown +Mackeo Instinct:...
Don't get me wrong, I still think Snipedown is a punk. He is just really fun to watch, and I'll still be rooting for Str8. I, too, gained a ton of...
Although I'm 100% positive somebody probably made something of the same name, here it goes: Brute Sniper 6 rounds per clip. Fire rate equal to or...
I'm quoting, lol. Although I do doubt the ability to add AIs, I don't think it would really be that hard to do. I was discussing the possibility...
19, and that is actually my friends. I don't have a 360, got to borrow his for 2 weeks. I spent too much time finishing his achievements though, I...
Fair enough, I still don't think they can win it. I liked TD more before the changes. Not just cause they had Snipedown, cause now they have...
Apparently its no good? Looks neat to me, although I can definitely see it getting boring. How long does the round last? Good job for an...
Very true. Also, the 'elite' forgers are the ones who are also able to design good maps in the first place, they just can also make it clean....
That has nothing to do with it. Lockout is Forerunner themed and Blackout is Human themed. Chill Out is Covenant and Cold Storage is Human. That...
I really don't know what to think of this. Hopefully it will be amazing and all, but it will kind of be the death of forge (almost). You needed to...
Seriously, thats what I was thinking. They haven't even come close the whole season, I can't believe anything would change now.
yeah thats a mod. you can still throw grenades if that is what you were asking. And I didn't find this, just posted it here from High Impact Halo.
Although Instinct was good before, and even better now, I don't think they are the new Final Boss. If anyone looks like they are going to take...
Supposedly its super easy, and when you get it right, it is, I can't seem to get it consistently though. And *supposedly* you can do on local,...