Snipedown T2 Legit Elamite 'nuff said. Edit: Only change I might make is somehow add Walshy. Maybe.
You have to make sure that the center if the power-up is inside the wall, otherwise they can grab it. Also, this belongs in Forge Discussion.
Thank you.
No 360 in front of me, so a quick question about the VIP settings. For destination points, can you a set a time for them to move? Like you have 5...
MLG weapon list BR Carbine Sniper Mauler Plasma Pistol Rocket Frag and Plasma grenades Active Camo CPU in the form of 2 extra shields. They...
Yeah pretty much.
Now I can root for TD and Karma! TD was a joke at Toronto, and Karma has needed a new team the whole season.
I believe Bungie said that they don't care if people make second accounts. The thing is, although not cheating, think of how all the legit lvl... Fritzster said he was releasing that soon.
What? My best is when I got the overkill achievement. It was swords on Guardian. I wasn't doing bad, but I was in third. One person in the game...
Well if they aren't on spawn at start during the first round of a game, you can't touch them. So you have to start a new round. And if they really...
I wasn't really aware of any competition in Halo 2 either. What series?
Yeah, but you couldn't even supply any sources, whereas I could. And AntC sucks compared to Reconstruction.
I have NEVER heard of them removing it cause of Rooster Teeth, thats ridiculous. PS: I believe that this is the same Time Glitch as ForgeHub's...
Another feature that would help immensely: locking an object so it doesn't move when you hit it against another object. I just hate it when you...
Funny true story about an annoying kid: We were in the pre-game lobby, there were like 5 of us with mics. Then this llittle kid starts talking...
QFT Although I probably won't know anyone else on his team.
Absolutely amazing map, so beautiful. Was the death pit fixed though? I could just walk around in it (I had the first version).
Oh yeah, I know hes good, I just can't picture them lol. Ambush for best development team '08?
Lol, I'm just a Microsoft h8er. You'd think they won't make the same mistake again. Sometimes I think all the gaming console companies need to...