stop with the sniping
I was thinking of getting an Intuos4 large. I really want to get the Extra Large because of the LCD screen. Would it be worth it to pay more for...
While we are talking about AC and MW2. If i could should i rent AC2 for the xbox or PS3 slim.
Hey can I get your email address so i can send you a diagram of the map. I did it in powerpoint. powerpoint it is easier to design with and stuff....
Look at what # post your latest post is on the Monday Thread... 0.0
Hey Matty, do you know a good Wacom tablet to get? I want to be able to keep it for years.
Is there now a discount offer for Photoshop CS4 when you buy one of these tablets? I thought I saw one somewhere.
I watched some gameplay vids. They didnt look that good. is the game better? Also is it possible to keep the levels at night or does it pick randomly?
Hey G043R mind helping me finish designing and forging a map idea I have in mind.
not really
Looking for a good Wacom Tablet. Price for now doesn't matter, but I want one just for making graphics with. Any suggestions? Tell me if you have...
... longer gameplay. normal gameplay normally last for about 10-12 minutes
You know you can increase Asset maps to over 9-10 min right? I can tell you how if you want me to.
Well I'm working on a book report that has to be 750-1000 words long about the book the Killer Angels. Very good book in my opinion but I don't...
Left 4 Dead 2. Assassins Creed is going to be a great game, but its going to have little to no replay value. Left 4 Dead 2 all the way.
Hey everyone. I've played piano for 10 years and I have reached the level of Professional Artist based on the pieces I play. I'm trying out for...
+55" plasma screen tv surround sound PS3 for bluray (also a couple of games) a couple of things for my trumpet (Yamaha Xeno Professional) (gold...
Hey if you have any comments about the map Silex we played yesterday PLEASE send me a message. V2 is currently in development and we need as much...
Hey insane. You have an iPod touch right? So I was thinking, you should download Eliminate Pro and make and account and play against me. It's...