YouTube- freddy kempf - chopin, etude op. 10 no. 4 Check this though. This is my next song I'm learning.
YouTube- Freddy Kempf - Chopin, Etude Op.10 No. 12 What do you think about this song? Just played it for a state competition yesterday.
can't get on till after the 18th. finals are coming up and i want to keep my 4.0
Its called blackhole by bravedave i think
hey kidbomber, do you have any recent map designs you want built?
I'll help. I can't help till after the 18th though. I can definitely help with theme design and execution.
can you please make me one that says Aaron and is 240 in height and 320 in width
Who made you avatar? I really like it.
K. next time your on do you mind helping me with spec ops?
Do you have MW2?
Gamertag:I_Aaronator_I Need help/give help:Both Mission(s):Almost all Other: Yeah I did campaign then did a little spec ops then went straight to...
Its like a drawing of a person and distorting it. Almost like those cartoons that the people's physical characteristics were taken to the...
Well can you at least tell me how to email a picture to my phone?
Hey can you get me that graphic request I made in your signature shop?
Have you finished that map yet?
My favourite: Name: Assault Class Description: Assault class, basic run and gun Primary Weapon: TAR-21 -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight/Hologram...
Hey Insane can you come help with a test. We dont have anyone and we need a couple of people
I'll help test
yep. i got bored halfway through and gave up though. teabaggin ground + spinning. i got to get some sleep though. goodbye!