Croly hap. You know the SXSW (South by Southwest) festival? Apparently every year each band sends samples to the organizers to put on their...
I love your sig more than I love my own life.
Nothing personal, it's just the lack of use of capital letters.
I love you too
If you really want to throw someone away for an accidental killing, don't put them in jail, put them in therapy, because they would seriously need...
Bye. ;(
Oh... "Weight has nothing to do with it!" is the correct response, from Back to the Future.
@sig... That's heavy, doc. I'm hoping you know the appropriate response :P
Banana banna fo fink
Go back to /b/, you- Holy crap, it's you! Nevermind. Your sig is the greatest thing since sliced white bread.
Shall I use penorz for the reason next time? There WAS a *****, for reference...
Not too sure if I understand the problem... see my response.