10 now :P
I submitted that Atheism pic to Reddit. I've shot up 7 Karma levels since then. Thank you.
Of course you are. It's thebag that preserves the flavor.
Who/what is your icon? Reminds me of George Carlin.
"Like its predecessors, Team Fortress 2 is focused around two opposing teams competing for an objective. These teams, Reliable Excavation &...
You're blu? Damn Builder's League. Always sappin' my sentries.
So we put a Grif in your FH staff so you can moderate.
Yo dawg we herd u like moderatin
Oh dear...
Guards, please remove this drunken man from our delightful club at once! I sowwy, I less than three you Dom.
Who is this Klink fellow of whom you speak?
Oi vey. I mean, indeed, good sir.
I think you accidentally some key words there.
If your engine is making that sound, see a mechanic immediately.
Because you're the goddamned batman.
Are you serious?
Why won't you power?
OH YOU SNEAKY DOG I thought those were real infractions.