Wow didn't no people were still commenting on this thread wow thanks for the compliments NOTE : only relic and in the blaze are in my fileshare...
Awesome finally posted i like the music but not the screemo part but anyways awesome
UPDATE : Sorry for no updates but i am stuck so if any one would like to give me any help please comment then we will think of an arangement time...
Okay thanks well now the maps is going to be different than i wanted oh well i'll try and make my map as good as a can
Wow this is awesome i love the merging you have done congrats All the merging looks clean this is a definite download Well done
I tried that with the large crates and it doesn't work with them it works with double boxes but i have used all of them ( just to state my map is...
How do you merge those large crates that you get on avalanche lo9ngshore and ratnest because i would like to know so i can finish my new map
Ah sweet idea love it had a look at your other maps aswell there awesome by the way This is a sure download Love your work the map has awesome...
so whens pic montage if you have allready posted it can u send me the link
As I said I am using ghost merging were you can not brace the object