Rust off COD MW2
Update to thread 29/11/09 new pics and a possible name
No name ( possibly Vain) Well I am in the middle of making a map and I am stuck and need some help There are 3 main layers to this map the pics...
Wow if you can actually make this it is an instant download
It's no his map though thats the thing
Second time he has done this warning/ infraction seriouslly
Please block this thread advertising much plus it's not even a map
Yeh i wanted to do something different cheers for the comments didn'tthink i would get such possitive feedback from my first racetrack
It reminded me of the cloud on last resort
Fish Food Download link : Halo 3 File Details This is my first attempt at making a race map I usually make competitive maps but I...
Any ways sorry you will have to get some screenshots and i think the idea has allready been done
Here is the pic with the face (but i can see the turtle) [IMG]
Has to be thats super cereal
i tried to get an aerial view of the map but since longshore is gay and won't let you look above parts of the map it wouldn't let me. Just to...
look at the wraith i think thats what he is on about
What i shall do is go on the magical Microsoft paint and outline the face
UPTHRUST Download Link : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Link : Halo 3 File Details Idea of the map Basically this map is...
Here are some recent screenshots i have taken For Glory [IMG] No name at the moment [IMG] Blazed [IMG] Marine (Note this is on Citadel) Can...
Ah sweet I allways liked boarding action and just to clarify yes there has been a boarding action remake but no a good one shame you didn't do...
Basiscally I have been trying to come up with a map recently but I can't put into a map I know how to do it but i can't actually make the map and...