Hey guy and girls, This is a map preview that I did a while a go but since then the map has been updated since then. I still have to place...
Hmmm They are on all of the Anniversary maps I am sure there is a tutorial on how to get them all on youtube... Maybe these dolls could be on the...
I was playing Apha Zombies on Asylum ( In Matchmaking) and I randomly changed into a zombie for no apparent reason
After having a look at this I can see a very Halo CE feel to it and I'm loving it, As said before it is nice and refreshing to see a map that...
PUMPED This is my newest map and possibly the one I have enjoyed making the most, it is based upon a water treatment facility and a construction...
BOARDWALK KING! Hi Guys, this is surprisingly my first map in reach, seeing as I couldn't be bothered to finish anything else off, I thought I...
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I have been extremely busy, there is now some cover in between the turrets so that there will be no...
Thanks :) I would say the same but sorry I haven't seen yours sorry but thanks :)
Wow this is actually pretty sweet, I love the concept of this, very original. To be honest I thought this was going to be some half asssed attempt...
Here is a map that I sort of forgot about a while ago and only recently started work on it along with "Outcast" Al Fresco is a small asymmetrical...
Pariah This map is symmetrical, and is based of one of my Halo 3 maps, also named Outcast. The name is not sticking as I am wishing to re-name...
Just get the Scarabs from Halo 2 If Johnson can drive one anyone can :D
If there was a Second Forge World I would have to say something similar to the original forge world but instead of the main map being Blood Gulch,...
Looks alot better than Bungies version. As previously said the tower changes the map a lot. To stay true to the original do you think you could...
Dude When is this going to be posted it looks amazing and I wanna see it now ;) Can't wait for it :D
I find it strange how all of these maps are really crappy community creations yet Bungie don't bother to include alot better maps. I remember when...
Well when playing this map I managed to get to the spire without dying Well when playing this map I managed to get to the spire without dying
Yeah were is guilty spark in there. One last thing where is Private Jenkins ?
First things first I am Alex B too XD And as said previously by others yeah this map looks pretty awesome defo a great fisrst map I will dl and...
Well people what I have done is made the soft safe zone as big as it can be and I have removed the rocks from the "rock-slide" and instead I have...