Lo and behold, tis a preview for my map submission for the $5k Budget Contest. Not much to say, its smallish, good for 6-8 players, and...
After much deliberation (about a minute or so), I decided to make a thread purely for the purpose of venting ones frustrations about any topic one...
Apparently, Anders Behring Brejvik, aka, that Norwegian asshole who killed 92 people, has attributed videogames as part of his preparation in...
If you like Christopher Nolans style of Batman films, you'll like this. It stars the Joker (styled off Heath Ledgers performance) and one of his...
I absolutely loved this game. Its akin to God of War, only with vampires and ogres and crap, but it was just really cool. Plus, who doesnt love...
So, for those of you in the know, I ended up getting a new laptop today. Its a Samsung RF711-S01. Dont bother looking it up because all the sites...
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/steaktacular Just thought Id post this, in case anyone was interested to watch. Its the live stream of the...
I logged onto my Gmail account this morning to find a notification that unauthorized activity had happened on my account whilst I was sleeping. It...
This isnt exactly a preview, but a preview on the layout of the map I am intending to craft for Lynxs $5000 Forge Contest. I will provide a link...
YouTube - Insanely Twisted Planet extended trailer‏ Has anyone heard of this game? Ive been keeping my eye on it for a while, and it looks...
The Ants March Bank 2x2 Forge Contest Submission Hey guys, Im back with another map, this one being for the 2x2 Forge Contest. Its a simple,...
YouTube - Nintendo Wii U - E3 2011: Announcement Trailer‏ Im not a big Nintendo fan, but this actually looks pretty good. I was considering...
Hey guys, Im just pondering the thought of the relevance of the LASO Weekly Challenges, and if the reward is really worth the the bother. I have...
Hey guys, Im having a problem with trying to load an avatar onto my profile. Everything is nominal, the image is 111x99 pixels, and less than 6kb....
EDIT: This map version has been updated. Information and screenshots have been added to this post under "Version Update Information". The link...
Hey everyone, Im a noob at this so forgive me for lack of etiquette in my posts, if any. This is one of my maps called Thermae. Its an enclosed,...