N+ Custom Levels - YouTube As promised, here's a few of the levels I made in N+ a long while back. Finally got a Dazzle, and luckily, N+...
Link I remixed the theme to WitchyWorld a long time ago, and only just recently found it again. Thought I'd mock up a quick vid and post it to...
Warface GDC Class Trailer 2012 - YouTube Warface gameplay trailer - YouTube Some of you may have heard of it, some of you may not have. But this...
I got bored last night and flicked through some old games I have on my hard drive, came across N+ and thought, "what the hell." After playing it...
Got a printer/copier/scanned combo recently to scan some things into my resume, and decided I'd give it a life beyond that. Went and found some...
I'll try to keep it short and sweet ;). (a)Symmetry is a small, surprisingly enough, symmetrical map with slight asymmetric qualities in that it's...
Had a video on my phone of a Muay Thai fight that happened in a tournament last July, and only just recently found it again. It's the only...
Just bought a new washing machine and had to do a "dry-run" before I officially used it to do what it says on the label (read: wash clothes), and...
For a bit of a lol; Go to Google Maps Click Get Directions Make sure you select Walking For start point, or A, enter The Shire Set destination,...
You knew it was coming. Had to be done. An Xmas thread. You know what? **** Xmas! Merry Sunday, everyone! So, what'd the fat guy in the red...
While I was at work yesterday, daydreaming when I should have been focusing on what I was doing, I had a grand idea. Wouldn't it be awesome if the...
Searching through my hard drive, I stumbled upon a folder entitled "Old Images". Intrigued, I ventured forth to unearth possible treasures, or...
[img] Just downloaded something, and my internets started making it it's *****. Felt the need to share. It started at 1.15, but dropped a little...
My new sig. [img] Was going (obviously) for the retro videogame look, more specifically the start-up screen for classics like Sonic 2 and...
Does anyone watch this show? I just finished watching season one and, by Krom, is it awesome. There's lots of things to please every taste;...
I just found out that Andy Whitfield, the main actor in Spartacus: Blood and Sand, has succumb to his battle with lymphatic cancer on Sunday, 12th...
After finding some little references and easter eggs in Deus Ex, I decided to make a thread for people to post any that they have found. Im hoping...
This is a little late notice, but me and some of my mates are having an old school gaming night tomorrow night (<24hours from now). So far, the...
If you've ever played Trials HD, you know that its a hard-as-nails, extremely frustrating, yet extremely addictive downloadable game. I personally...
This is my submission for the $5K Budget Contest. After a few changes, I believe it is now at its peak. Many thanks go to Psychoduck,...