[IMG] Apply Now For A One-Way Trip To Mars | Popular Science You can't make this stuff up. Apparently, a non-profit organization, Mars One,...
I think games like Ratched and Clank would lend themselves very well to animated movies. The fact that the developers will still have a lot of...
good practice in space awareness and 3D modeling though
I'm asking for your opinion of a map to do. I'm not up to date as it were on forge maps
because, 'Merica
pick a recentish well liked, but under the radar map for me to review. Preferably a mini game.
good thing you cleared that up
From what little game play I've seen so far I haven't seen a whole of video game industry satire, a little bit (pretty much that whole tutorial...
Here's some Castle Map Pack out of map screenshots Outcast [spoiler] Perdition [spoiler] Daybreak [spoiler]
It's the engine used for Far Cry 3. It has nothing to do with any of the other Far Cry games story wise.
"awh, I hit the wall. Oh, no I got him..cause video games"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E39zlHU5CiQ Ouya: Hands-on with the user interface | Joystiq
What's there to discuss? As long as Microsoft's "official" stance is no modding, it doesn't matter what one employee's "unofficial" statement is....
I didn't understand any of that. What don't you believe? That the xbox creative director said he didn't see what the big deal was about always...
He invested in rich porn
I miss the days when DLC had staged periods of full price, half price, then free allowing the maps to mingle with all playlists.
Balloon animal, go.
I just read about that dude and his "always online" comment. It makes me sad knowing people like him are in decision making positions and why...