...I didn't do that. Did you read the post you're critisizing or just assuming I went in circles because of its length? Talking about my recap of...
I'd make another thread for it AnotherClaymore. Separate Xbox One specific banter from what is revealed at E3 regarding games, xbox live specific...
Actually the opposite and screw you. No one's forcing you to read ****. Also what does again mean? I defended halo 4's developers months before...
Xbox One needs to connect once a day to confirm that you own your games (or once an hour if you're playing on a different Xbox). If you can't make...
What does it matter and what points are you referring to? Everything I said is relevant to the case you're making, whether you choose to ignore...
No one's saying anything should be universal. Games like WoW which are subscription based are different than games like BioShock Infinity. But...
Why do you think it's fair, that's the issue at hand. If you own something, truly own it, you have all rights (within legality) associated with...
The 360 currently has cloud storage and it's still yet to be determined whether games that utilize Microsoft's cloud will run any better, right...
I read the report but even that bit of slightly less shitty news comes with a few caveats. First of all I believe the reports say that family...
And to Waylander, of course I don't mean permanently. For people with intermittent Internet access or none at all it might as well be. A gaming...
What Microsoft said is that they won't personally charging a platform fee but instead will allow the publishers to make that call. The publishers...
It's not "always online" though I suppose that's easier to say then "must be connected at least once a day". Also, Microsoft claimed that...
I hope they develop Halo 5 for the 360 as well. My love of Halo does not supersede my hatred of Microsoft for these policies however.
You and me both man. I mean the internet thing doesn't directly affect me but in principle it pisses me off. The used game policy though. I get...
I understand dude. Get a good night's sleep. It's just, I tend to defend companies a lot because usually people get overzealous with the slightest...
To throw further fuel on this train wreck Xbox One requires online connection every 24 hours, at least | Joystiq If your console can't connect...
Peg, you on, I need to rant about Microsoft to someone
How game licensing works on the Xbox One (yes, it supports used games) | Joystiq And I won't be buying the xbox one. Not until that policy...
I'm a bit conflicted about it, but first a little clarification on your "but the reason is straight forward: money". It depends on what you mean...
That's what it does when no one is in the room