I love the idea but it's a little sloppy in some areas. It could be upgraded but other than that 7/10.
Get thoes pics working cause it sound interesting. Maps like these can be addictive.
Nice Urban map. Not the best but worthy of some good feedback. The base area looks a little empty. Not much cover in that area. Also you need to...
I loved this map. Reminds me a bit of a map called Downfall mixed with Sewage Lines. 5/5 no doubt. Love this Dl right now.
Dude your castlelanche has 5,221 views from when I post this. I see a feature on the horizon.
As youtuber said your pics are broke. Hey I hope this is good because we've had really good duck hunt maps. Your idea is not very original but it...
The forging is superb. Thats 5/5. But the design and chosen weapon are 1/5. The weapons are placed well. Two maulers? No BR? Since theirs no...
The idea is good but the map isn't really impressive. If you have been paintballing (I really have) theirs speedball courses (were their are a ton...
I don't really like this map. Maybe it cause the castle map on avalanche was so good. The geomerging is great though. 3/5
This map is good but if you spawn as a zombie it doesn't seem fun. Unless they're fast or have good health. 3/5 since the idea is cool and I love...
Non-Foundry, Tank, Fort, and Huge. The perfect map. If you put a hornet in the map it would be the best map of all time. This looks epic and Is a...
This map is epic. If you geomerged and cleaned it up a little it could get featured. Its still good though and looks like It plays well. I love...
This map is sweet. Any forged map on Cold Storage is almost always an infection. The staircase idea is great and their no painful filters like...
Make it escape proof and it would get featured. 5/5 this is the mother of all foundry race/ go-karts. 5/5. Make it escape proof and it'll be 100/1...
You posted v1 earlier today. Take more time and make more upgrades before you post v2. This map is to open though. Needs more cover but it can be...
I rem ember the original post. Was pretty good. It deserves begin featured. The design of some of the building is amazing. I love one-flag and...
This map is really good 4.5/5. The interlocking is clean and test your vertical senses. The name isn't the best though. Other than that great Idea...
I loved and hated the first one. it gave me a headache but was sweet. The tricks and sideway stuff were cool but know A upside ground room? STOP...
Okay race map. Since you probally dont know what interlocking is see forging 101. 3/5 though
This map isn't that good. If your going to post put some more work into the map. 2/5 But the idea is a start