It was an interesting take you made on this map, mixing up guardian and lockout then implementing an entire ground level (from what I see at...
I removed the majority of my last post so don't worry. Throwdembows finds any way to be a douchebag to me and I'm the one being reported, it's...
From looking at the screenshots, I like the changes you made outside the main atrium. If I get a chance to get on, I'll download the map and look...
Wow, you're quite an asshole. I posted that before I even noticed I had notifications.
No I don't
Not sure, I mentioned the maps that are too complex are partially helped by enhanced radar. You still have all of the complex routes to deal with...
I still need to hear why Angst is broken by enhanced radar. It plays better without a radar, yes. But I have yet to hear from the mods how a map...
I want a map that doesn't have extreme free-flow and the ability to move anywhere from anywhere, like Zealot or Countdown. This is the mindset of...
you gotta look at the video's youtube page to figure that out.
you guys can pause the video and click the title, and it brings you to the youtube site for it. The details are in the description. The main...
Who cares about meathouse? On the other hand, 5-Flag combined with dumpster forms the one true meathouse, discovered by the Dean of OU.
he told me it was dixie youth baseball.
This is pretty upsetting. In the end, I may not be able to see H3 onslaught again
probably He trained his hard drive to eat too, so he has to download them 7 or 8 times before he can actually play on the map
Not as many downloads? The most downloads I've ever gotten on one map in my forging career was shortly over 100, and that was on an angled remake...
The history of how maps were designed on different subgenres of shooter games? Well possibly the other way around. Symmetry is completely...
And you can find those kids on Forgehub :) Anyways, I'm voting Ebalere because it's the only 1v1/2v2 map with rocks and grass . . . and not...
wow, this almost makes me want to play BTB. Very nicely done
I don't play mortal kombat. I've played MK3 (on PS1 and also on XBLA I think) a few times, but watched people play it extensively.
You have got to be kidding me. So let's proceed to degrade my example (which was just a response to Pegasi's statement I previously bolded btw)...