Can you move around too, or do you just keep going in one direction until you hit something?
They can either look really good or really bad, depending on whether lining them up is something you keep in mind when you're building your map....
Hopefully this explains the layout better. [IMG] You can take either the left or the right on the red path, where it meets up at the blue path....
I don't know if I like that name, I might change it to something else. This originally was going to be a much larger map based a bit on Colossus...
This looks awesome. I was going to do something like this but I was too lazy.
I've posted it on Bnet but I can't seem to keep it going. There are so many threads complaining about their credits being reset that it keeps...
There are only two limits as far as I know.
Make it so it goes away when you capture a territory at the beach. You could set the capture time very low in the gametype options.
Give them the "INV_GATE" label and have that as the first tier.
Ok, but it isn't just for the sake of complaining. My intentions were to reach out to other people and to Bungie, so that they could possibly...
That thread on Bnet has been so popular that it would surprise me if Bungie didn't make at least something similar. I think they should make...
Maybe you've been just living under a rock because I've seen complaints about it everywhere. Reach is the first Halo game I have played where I...
You could use rocks and sandbags, depending on how many it gives you.
The maps that Bungie made in Forge World are lagging for a lot of people. If that's not something to complain about, I don't know what is.
Yeah, it seems to be different for everyone. I've heard a lot of complaints about Asylum but I haven't had any lag on that map. Powerhouse lags...
That actually sounds like a great idea. I do believe something like that was made on Blackout.
Yeah. I'll admit that this thread is a bit useless. Though, the other one serves a purpose, and "I agree" or "I disagree" is good. Bungie seems to...
I've been wanting to post this on the Bnet forums where it would matter most, but every time I do it gets lost among all the constant bumps.
Every time I posted on the Bnet forums, my thread gets put on the 3rd or 4th page right away, so there's no point. Anyways...It sounds great, but...
Others might, but not me. It would make maps much cleaner and easier on the eye. It would be even better if they included a way to change the...