Do you take 1v1/2v2 map? It's technically team based, and it's compatible with ffa by the way......
I will get that lift fixed soon, and aside for that you mean the CPU side of the map? Or the Sniper/Gl side of the map?
Hi, I love you.
Hi allow me to feel your genitals while welcoming to the hub of forge.
Hello, I'm aroused by automobiles.
I'm not too sure about the idea about the refs, what if they are afk?
I may not be a fan of Korra but I have an idea- maybe picking up CPU will give the players concussion rifles, allowing them to push other players...
@Nibbs- I'm trying to get the guy who teleports to be facing the room when he teleports, to prevent camping by the sides. @Eight- Well, I was...
Thanks for the compliment, but I wasn't doing the video, I just told halo to make the video using that song.
Lol, you just explained Sinless in one sentence. Thanks by the way, for the testing, feedback, and video stuff.
Okay, after a loooooooooooooong break from forging, I was determined to get over my forgeblock. So after hours of designing and scratching my anus...
I love you.
I like the overall aesthetics, but they arent that original, but i do like the risk v reward at the camo.
Lol, that last few seconds of the game was intense, we were basically screaming at the top of our lungs. Man, I sucked balls at the last 5 min of...
You should talk to a mod about prizes and stuff. I agree with most of the people on this thread, two weeks isn't enough. On a totally unrelated...
All I see is a giant bridge connecting two bases and random covers sprinkled randomly around the map, reduce the weapon count, avoid using gauss,...
For the TCOJ, go to the custom lobby section, for the TGIF, go to the frontpage for sign ups, and for BIOC, you can go to the signup threads...
Have you heard of the TCOJ, the BIOC, or TGIF?
I'm an artist, a painter, and a basketball player. Also, I practice polygamy.
I also like how infection plays on the earlier version, it played well, not sure about the newer version, maybe we can play some infection on this...