Maybe they found another one of those nuclear hula hoops. :) But for the map, it looks awesome, especially the hallway in the first pic, the...
Well, I can't say I'm good at aesthetics, but when it comes to 1v1 map aesthetics, you could bet yo balls I'm boss at it.
I love writing on my wall, it's like graffiti, only without the colorz.
Can't say I was a big fan of Renegade (having some games), but I like the looks of the changes. As for trident, maybe replacing the camo with the...
Cant I am in Vegas right now.
What can I say? There is no cure for homosexuality............yet
I have always liked your style of forging, it's unique, in a good way, that goes for this map too. . Friend me if you need another tester GT:...
me no speaky mexican.
I like your remake of octagon, the map looks clean and pleasant to the eye, but the ceiling could use a bit of work.
Oh I remember this map, definitely a fan of the blue theme and aesthetics, I like what you've done with the sniper. By the way, is that a grenade...
Is it the hair? Or the skin color? Anyway, I'm NOT mexican.
I like the overall blue theme of the map, and it reminds me of Ether, as a couple of us have said it...... But is the room in the fourth pic...
Port and Mill.
You're welcum.
My affection for him.
Hi, I'm attracted to men.
Hi, my anus burns for you.
I really like the structures on this map and the natural feel to it, but I do see some Z fighting and I suggest changing the gametype, it gets...
Holy crap, done already?