How was your final?
lol. fillrt
You could have been high? In a circle with a Black Guy, an Australian Guy, a Hawiian Guy, and a Whire Guy. Also myself. Oh, that was a grassy field.
Have you ever been on that 70's show?
TEMPE AZ????!!! lol, if so I'm less than 30 miles from you. My mom works in Tempe too.
I don't care for special editions. tbh, if I had a JTag I would never pay again. Go in my computer L drive and you'd understand.
Has anyone reserved Reach yet? I have, I did it last week. Just reply if you have, lets see how many of you have. Was it worth it?
I hope you know those generators don't work. If they ask you for your accounts EMail and Password, then I dare you to look at the source code. It...
Just found my Pearl. Lol at my team on it.(almost all from leaf green) Giratina-lvl 80 Mewtwo-lvl 77 Tyranitar-lvl 100 Venasuar-lvl 72...
As soon as I get my starter pokemom I train it to level 15 before I leave town. By the time I am in the fourth gym I am level 50 with my starter....
You found where I get my codes? lol. What's your final in?
You found where I get my codes? lol. What
Have fun, I'm in love with MW2. I believe your on my friends list. Invite me if I'm online.
Secret. I'll give you like five more later. DO you have MW2?
Anytime. I'm collecting them onto my computer. I'll soon have a notepad file with roughly 1000 of them.
Sad fayce. Oh, well here. [spoiler]DTX4D-QXYJ4-QYT4J-G3GJF-JD4JY[/spoiler] Have fun with it.
I have five one month codes. But I want some MS Points. I'll give you 3 one months for a 1600 points code. Would you get me one?
I've retired as your ghosts. I have a question for you.