I could help I guess. I'm a switch guy.
So i herd u liek Sarghkipz. wait wat
Forge Mode -Uses, be a ***** and go into monitor form when your shot and hit people with boxes til they die. -Pro--- Use tanks to hit people ---TO...
harharhar Sarge.
It's on the front page. Jesus. 32 bit BETA 64 bit BETA
Rainmeter.net Get the beta.
Ohhhhhh. Idk, try • Index page or something on the site.
I have Rainmeter how I want it. Unless I learn to make one better.
Deviant Art. The links in my last post.
Search here What's the actual media player you use? Itunes, Winamp, WMP, theres a lot.
**** sorry for leaving like that. What do you want on it?
Need any Rainmeter help? I'm good enough to do everything but make one from scratch.
deviantART: where ART meets application! [IMG] [IMG] What do you all think?
I used an iTouch to edit it, all o it except the text and border.
Yes tis' true. I quit bitching and begging for sigs and made my own. I did it on an iTouch too! All I did on Photoshop was the text and border....
I edit the buttons, shape, size and all. I do everything but create my own. So it's easy to learn, it's basically (X,Y) positions. Nospam [IMG]
Mischgasm you need to learn to edit Rainmeter. Also, if your RSS is The Pirate Bay why isyour Windows on trial mode? I can edit your Rainmeter...
Lol AGamer. Is there a way to take a pic of your iTouch screen?
Dude, I plan to build my own desk and I'm wondering what to do. I have a laptop, a desktop with a 19 inch monitor, a router, an xbox, a 32 inch...