I am interested in your ideas/comments. I'm up for improvement, and if you wanted to forge a map with me or something that'd be cool to.
What a waste of a post. Did you even bother to look at it at all? Please, i like compliments, but some criticism would be nice.
Zoltan's Item Dispenser! Download the Item Dispenser! I finally finished my item dispenser. You get the custom powerup, which lets the crate...
What about making the receiver spawn 30 seconds late? Won't it be the same principle?
I think you're saying something about me taking this map. I assure you i haven't and this is 100% mine. Sorry i can't get pics yet, i ran into...
Oh, sorry. Just mad abut the rules and kinda took it out on you. I don't really think it needs pics, but i'll try to get them up asap.
It's an item despenser, wtf am i supposed to write? And there's no need for a pic imo, there's no scenery or anything, just some walls and grav lifts.
WIP=Work in Progress Pick up the custom powerup and there you go. Still has some bugs, but they can be worked out....
Not a shadow, just an effect i found on foundry.
God Of Elites. [IMG] Burn It Down: [IMG]
Me and my friend only. The larger the group, the more people are likley to join and be complete assholes and delete everything before you notice...
On my map (primarily based on tunnels) i'm in a bit of trouble.I want it to be as smooth and bump free as possible, and i'm really trying, but i...
Lol i can't help you with every room. Try to figure it out. You break the turret, what can you push into the opening and jump onto?
Drive the mongoose over more and get out. It's weird how people have so much trouble with that part.