I love these random slayer pics: Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing [IMG]
No i wouldn't want a video sorry. I'm actually getting into machinima's and am thinking about directing one soon, so yeah i'd like to have the...
Read the video comments, he said it was mods. Could you PM me a link to those mods please?
Yeah the first time you see someone look up in a turret it's just lol-tastic, but after that it gets old.
Well since i've done it i'd assume i've seen it done :p.
Get a receiver node and put it ontop. Have a person that's NOT host tap A really fast (picking it up and dropping it). It should fall through...
I can see a face, but it doesn't look like anyone's face. If you hadn't told us it was the joker then i would've just guessed you were bored and...
Am i the only one that's seen this effect used atleast twice before? Honestly it's not that cool and the pic itself looks like it was fairly easy...
Idk if i'll be there. My mom brok her leg and my parents are divorced so i have to take care of her for a couple days. That's why i wasn't on...
On another forum i go on, we'd just call you a rep ***** and infract you.
Anyone notice how easy it is to get out?
If a player sucks, then they suck, and that girl sucked. If it was a guy you wouldn't make a thread about it would you? Just because she's a girl...
The Halo 3 tricks series did a tut on multiple spots. Though you can't get spawn points/telelporters through the floors so it's kinda useless.
Crap, i didn;t read the whole thread.
Maybe because light has no matter or mass. It was designed to reflect off of you, and not walls and stuff.
That made me laugh out loud.
I'm really interested in this idea. I'm glad you decided to do this in an organized manner, since i usually join a game, then 30 other people join...
Cold Storage =p. Me and my friend were playing on it and noticed the spotlight that looks at you was actually a monitor. So he called him daddy,...
I found my daddy! [IMG]
Yes there are.