Another good app is Launchy. Rocketdock + Launchy =Never having to look at your start menu again. Also, to lower aero effects right click on...
Step 5, i just go to a page that has an quicktime version of the vid, and it won't let me download it, any help?
Will it work without host?
Maybe it was just a contaminated sample. Why not wait till they do an autopsy?
CNN was reporting in the video...
That is the way it looks, it looks like you shot a rocket at a warthog.
You shot a rocket at a warthog, good job.
Well there's some animals that only get seen every few years, because they are in so few numbers. It's a big world, and if there's not that many...
Well the northeast has lots of woodlands and grasslands, and is full of mountains and forests. Georgia also has alot of forests and some...
Just don't use consonants and vowels in your names and they won't get blammed.
Wasn't so much pwning as it was you playing a bunch of crappy kids.
I play it for fun, sir. What i consider fun doesn't make me a noob. It's double the xp, and there's no penalty if you lose, so why complain? I...
Second picture. Anyone else notice the elites in the background? Notice how they're all white and they all look exactly the same? I think they're...
I think that's just a map in it's adolescent stages. Though they are hinting towards AI in custom maps.
Lol thanks man. Btw, this isn't against the rules in any way, it's just really explaining the new Lara Craft (sp?).
If being too hot is against the rules, i would've been banned be now =P.
Damn i feel sorry for him.
Well none of those are interesting, at all....
Lol people are wondering how bungie put npc's on rat's nest. Of course they can put npc's on rats nest, they MADE the game. Oh and my opinion is...
I usually don't care. I see alot of guys go and try so desperatly to be funny or talk as much as possible to girls on xboxlive. To me, a girl is...