Hey guys, let's be thankful, at least it isn't Smashed...
MLG Ball on Sandbox might not work. I heard (Haven't tested it, I don't have the MMP) that the ball doesn't 'play' if you drop it, and you have to...
Hey, I thought it was pretty wicked. I learned something new.
Oh, ok. I'll have to try this, it looks pretty wicked, I'm not going to lie.
I know it's cliche, but Super Mario Bros.
I have quite an extensive list of games that have touched me. Zelda (Both OoT and MM) KotOR 2 Harry Potter: Prizoner of Azkaban (Yeah, I know....)...
I used to play.... I was on Hellscream-US Alliance side. My guild was Sanchez Cartel (Now Duck Duck Goose i believe) We we're champs in Burning...
I'm ashamed to like the Harry Potter games.... They really are addicting....and HARD.
I was very disappointed to see that Fast and Furious was not in the Top 10. Vin Diesel is too badass to not be in the Top 10....
Hey, what is up Forge Hub? I got a link here from a friend about a week ago, and I found some sweet maps, so I decided to register. So....hey.
How did you do it? I've never seen anything like it before...:confused:
I'll play some time. My current rank in Objective is 43. My gamertag is in my sig. I excel at flag running.
Yeah, I have no delusions that it will really happen, but I can hope right? I'm sure Bungie has some idea floating around for a 'door' that will...
I'm a big fan of the last one personally, I like the effect that makes it seem like the elite is behind a waterfall. Very cool.
Packin' Heat has a more natural, chaotic feel to it, where as Smolder seems too still for the message it looks like it is trying to pass along.
I can't load maps offline, it angers me, so I'm not sure if this works or not. Can someone do the math to find the success rate?
Wow, that sounds really annoying, and tedious. My respect for Utah Mambo just rose even more. Forge update with doors for Sandbox please? I'm lazy.
Utah Mambo. The D-Base is SUPERB. The geomerging is flawless, and the concept alone is worth a feature, actual execution of it is the bonus.
I would also like to know this. The geomerging on Utah Mambo was superb, I wish I knew the shortcut to do it. I miss doors.
The question is, does this negatively impact the OLN? Or does it remove it AND subtract it from the OLN?