Wow! This is nuts. I always like looking through your maps because you are so creative. It's awesome. I am excited to give this one a try soon...
I like the ranks, but please, people, go outside and see your families. And the game has been out for three months. I just get worried about...
That is a lot of grenades. A lot. You may want to think a bit harder about the weapon set. Many maps have one or two sets of frags and a few...
I really really love this map. Snipers on this map is fun and unpredictable. I especially love the one way shield that sucks the player up when...
What is keeping players from spawning and just throwing nades at the ghosts in the middle to get rid of them at the start? I like the idea a lot...
Neat. I'd love to help out as a body double, and maybe I will send in a voice recording. This sounds like a fun project!
Fun. I'm down with that. I also like weird/fun gametypes, so this will be cool.
What kind of maps do you like? I've got quite a few from here I can help provide
I'm game, but I put life commitments before games. I like playing customs though, so count me in.
Cash, I'd love it if you could shoot me an invite if you are playing it. I've only been able to get around 4 or 5 people it at a time and it'd be...
Thanks for the video, I will check it out soon. I see what you mean about more interesting cover choices, and I will see what ideas I can come up...
Very slick. I'll have to give this a try!
Those are all great comments. I did play around with the gameplay mechanics of the long bridge, but I am open to changing this. The idea was to...
As I said earlier,I like. Keep it up!
Thanks, Crown. RodziR: I think I chose it because it would be handy for controlling the platforms and ramps but would be tough to use inside....
Simple, but interesting! I like the aestetics here. If you need someone to help test it with you, let me know.
I was nervous about having a rocket launcher on this map, and the grenade launcher didn't seem too effective in play testing. I am open to...
It's a shame it's not curved, but I like that you took a lot of time to bring this to us! Everything looks really smooth and well aligned. The...
Sorry for not being able to get on and test this map with you guys. I did have some other people hop on, and I decided to go ahead and publish...
Spirit v3.3 Spirit v3.3: In times of war, the UNSC often requisitions off-shore civilian estates as listening posts. [IMG] Even listening posts...