Thank you. I had to explore outside of the map to take them. I was thinking about doing something with photoshop too, like maybe having an odst or...
I thought i would share with you guys my favourite screenshots i have taken. For me, one of the most beautiful things about halo 3 has to be the...
Hey Baardjeaap, welcome to Forgehub :) Im Zombiesteve77, nice to meet you. It sounds like you're all set to do some forging. A guide a member...
Not a bad picture, but to me it lacks the epic factor. Although i dont like blurred pictures, i can understand why you wanted it for the ghost...
I like the different textures in this shot. The figure stands out well with the sheild door backdrop and in parts blends in with the stone-like...
I know what you're describing. To save objects within a death boundry or places where it just automatically gets deleted, hold the item in the...
For me, a good starting point for some inspiration is playing maps on old games (Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Turok, Halo 2 etc) and seeing what makes...
A strong set of screenshots A Taco Bell. I like the perspective of Red Snipers with the two snipers in sync with eachother. The sepia effect with...
Sorry ive been away for a while recently (college), i'll answer those unanswered questions now. Thank you Bass Forger :). I understand your worry...
Ive been thinking of making a statue of liberty sculpture in forge too, but you beat me to it. :p Nice concept. It would have been even better if...
I found out about spore a while back now, so i decided to download the demo version as there was so much hype around it and i had heard a friend...
Its one of my favourites, No Script blocks all scripts on websites unless you approve them. So when you accidently click on a trick link to a...
Heres my entry, hope you like it :joker: [IMG]
The origins of my gamertag is pretty cheesy really, but its all i could think of in the mad rush to make an account to play some halo online. Ive...
Ive played this many times online and it remains one of the most original concepts ive seen. For me, the magic is listening to the other players...
I'm not following you.
Icons for 2D Map Designs As many of you forgers are familiar with, its sometimes a good idea to include a 2D plan version of your newly forged...
Its funny you should say that. I am a fan of Mc Escher. "Relativity", (the lithograph you described) is one of my favourites of his works. Maybe...
I have tested and tested this map for escaping and can say that you can not escape by just jumping. For the determined escaper who has mastered...
[IMG] Created by Zombiesteve77 Cradle.v2 - 6-12 players (recommended) Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, Team Duels, Team Swat, King of the...