Pre-nerf Pandemonium Warden in FXI New Final Fantasy XI boss could take 24 hours to kill
Interesting. More god-damn facebook spam probably -_-
This, I hardly watch TV anymore though :p
Wow, it was a video of an aimhack and other silly things that will ruin the game.
Blending still hasn't changed and until it has I doubt it will get better. It's also too contrasted and sharp now imo.
YouTube- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Hacks - I'm glad they have dedicated servers to prevent this, phew~
Nothing makes you look cooler than subtly putting someone down. Why aren't we allow to base opinions off our culture? Should I degrade women now...
So guys, Fox News. Biased conservatism or "Fair & Balanced"? Personally, due to the amount of inconsistency, contradictions, and outright...
Using a (probably) good game as an example isn't very fun. :cry:
Agreed Dow, not sure what Matty is on about though.
Found a pretty cool thread on reddit: I am unable to feel most emotion: I have alexithymia. AMA : IAmA This guy feels no emotion whatsoever. I...
Never really cared for it.
I'd buy a ranch probably.
Still too blended imo