Yes .
After turning in a paper and having a conference with a professor, I immediately went to smoke. I then returned to make this sig and other things....
Gamestop is pretty terrible overall.
I won't change anything but go ahead :D I have the render if anyone wants it, it was very influential in my decision to smoke and then create this.
Yeah, because having a sickness is the worst time to use drugs.
Consoles are computers.
Oh dear, I had no idea.
How did you know where my taskbar is :o
YouTube- Cinnamon Chasers - Luv Deluxe (Music Video)
i'd be so much more entertained with these sites if they weren't all the same formula. Cutesy ancedote + reassurance and relation to reader
It's not that old.
20mg Perscription Adderral is quite the brain food.
Buy a linksys router.
Agreed, when you are at 100+ ping all the time anyway, wireless latency won't "matter."
I find it insulting that you generalize and stereotype my beliefs. Lolzy concept, not really general chat worthy though.
Gaming Discussion. Diablo III :3
Grabbin pills!
Well when you get used to 100+ pings :p
Mine is a play on words with "Fail"us instead of Phallus Phallus Munch is just goofy ;D